


Aston Students' Union is committed to sustainability, to minimising any negative environmental impact and to having a positive impact on the wider environment.

Aston Students' Union Sustainability Policy:


Our Objectives

Use the link below to read our full Sustainability Objectives, Targets and Planned Actions for 2023 – 2024:

For the 2022/23  academic year, we have elected a dedicated Sustainability Officer. The Sustainability Officer replaces the previous combined role of the Equalities and Environment Officer. We have also nominated 2 permanent members of Students’ Union staff to act as Green Champions and to ensure that sustainability and green issues have a strong voice.

Sustainability Officer responsibility:

The Sustainability Officer works to ensure that the students' union and university act in a sustainable and ethical way. The officer works with Students' Union colleagues and university to drive a sustainability culture at Aston. The officer leads on ethical and environmental projects and sustainability campaigns.

Sustainability contacts:

Amanpreet Sidhu - Staff Lead Go Green Champion

Nadine Al-Kudcy - Staff Volunteer Go Green Champion

Natalie James - Staff Volunteer Go Green Champion

Sam Suarez - Staff Volunteer Go Green Champion

Did you complete the *SOS-UK's Skill Survey? If so, the results are posted here and if not, you can still check out what your peers had to say. The survey about your time at university or college and the skills you develop for getting a job.

* Students Organising for Sustainability United Kingdom (SOS-UK) is an education charity created by students and staff at NUS in response to the climate emergency and ecological crisis. They support students to learn, act and lead for sustainability.

Current Sustainability Themes


Aston Students’ Union Sustainability Achievments 2021/22

For the second year in a row, we have achieved an EXCELLENT Green Impact Students’ Union award! 

Green Impact is a United Nations award-winning programme designed to support environmentally and socially sustainable practice in your organisation.

In a challenging political and global climate, it is unions, universities, colleges and communities leading the way on sustainability. Students’ unions have excelled, implementing and embedding good environmental practices, while expanding their engagement with sustainability to integrate social, political and economic factors.

Green Impact is a national programme supporting Students’ Unions to approach sustainability strategically. This flagship programme was developed by students for students. The vision is that through sustainability initiatives on campus, alongside the content of the taught curriculum, students will graduate from higher education equipped to deal with the global challenges we currently face.


Find out more on the Green Impact website:

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected, and in order to leave no one behind, it is important that we achieve them all by 2030.


Aston Students’ Union is committed to being sustainable in everything we do, from clubs and societies to the construction of the new Students’ Union building. We are working with the university on the internal Go Green initiatives and we have signed up to work towards the national Green Impact Accreditation. We have lots of work underway so watch this space for opportunities to get involved.