General Resources
Below are the general resources for you to use, these are here to assist your general society/sports club operations. Any forms that need to be submitted should be sent to:
This handbook summarises the information give to committees in their committee training at the beginning of term 1.
When any member participating in any activity as part of a society or sports club is injured you must fill in this form and register the injury with the Student Activities Office. Once you have completed this form you must send it to AND Once someone is injured it is pivotal that you make contact with the Student Activities Office, or if the incident occurs out of office hours then you must call security on 0121 204 4803 or in an emergency call 0121 204 2222.
Please read the attached document on how to edit your Society/Sports Club page on the website. The document details how you can edit your webpage on the union website.
Any Society or Sports Clubs are able to gain sponsorship, however it is important that you do not sign any sponsorship agreements yourself, as you as a sports club/society are not an separate legal entity, therefore the Students' Union must sign on your behalf. The forms below contain information on gaining sponsorship as a club or society and the sponsorship agreement.
This is to enquire about booking facility with Sport Aston. Please fill in the form and then email it to, once your booking has been confirmed you will be emailed a confirmation. The sports facilities are available to hire for sports clubs and societies. They are given on a first come, first serve basis so the society/slub who submits the form first will be given the facility providing the form was filled out correctly.
This funding is available via application for clubs and societies if an unexpected cost has arisen whilst arranging an event/trip/clothing for members. Funding applications should include a request for a specific amount of money related to a specific cost. Within your application you should outline the finance plan you should have created alongside any other funding you have pursued e.g. sponsorship.
The funding window is opens on the first day of term and closes on the last day of term 3.
Please fill in the club/society details and complete a brief overview of your funding proposal and return to the VPSA (, Nadine Al-Kudcy ( and Richard Broome (
If you are interested in creating a new club or society, you will need to fill out the form below.
For the club or society to be approved you will need a minimum of 20 members for a club, or 15 for a society, including three committee members.
This will then need to be approved by the Student Activities Executive committee. Please email the completed form to