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Weekly Meeting
25th December 1pm - 2pm
Martin Luther King Building
Weekly meeting at the MLK building
Aston pool club league sessions
26th December 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Aston pool club league sessions
2nd January 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Aston pool club league sessions
9th January 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Aston pool club league sessions
16th January 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Aston pool club league sessions
23rd January 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Quiz Night
23rd January 8pm - 10pm
The Lounge
Quiz Night!
Welcome Week
Karaoke Night
24th January 7pm - 10pm
The Lounge
Welfare Week
Aston pool club league sessions
30th January 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Aston pool club league sessions
6th February 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Aston pool club league sessions
13th February 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Law Society- Law Ball 2025
20th February 6pm - midnight
Eastside Conference
It is a LawBall hosted for members of the Aston Law School at Eastside Conference on the 20th February 2025 from 6pm-12am.
Sign Up
Aston pool club league sessions
20th February 7pm - 11pm
Aston Students Union, 2nd floor
English 8 ball league games. All games will be added to a total in which the top performers across the year will be assigned to either an upper bracket or lower bracket tournament with both tournaments receiving prizes.
Clubs | Union
Inside The Theatre - Aston Surgical Society Conference
24th May 8am - 6:30pm
AMS and Main Building
This is an international conference held by Aston Surgical Society to further surgical education for medical students around the world.