Forced Marriages

In this Section

What is a Forced Marriage?

A forced marriage is where one or both people do not (or in cases of people with learning disabilities or reduced capacity, cannot) consent to the marriage as they are pressurized, or abuse is used, to force them to do so. It is recognized in the UK as a form of domestic or child abuse and a serious abuse of human rights.

The pressure put on people to marry against their will may be:

  • physical: for example, threats, physical violence or sexual violence
  • emotional and psychological: for example, making someone feel like they are bringing ‘shame’ on their family
  • financial abuse: for example taking someone’s wages, may also be a factor.

For further information and guidance, please go to the Forced Marriage section of the UK Government’s website:

We have also included useful guides for you to refer to should you or someone you know need assistance:

Karma Nirvana

Karma Nirvana exists to support, empower and educate all those impacted by honour-based abuse in the UK. We seek to break the silences on Honour Based Abuse by empowering those affected to speak out and by shining the spotlight on honour-based abuse to improve national understanding, detection and practice.

We have include their leaflet for you to refer and use:

How to contact Karma Nirvana

Contact Information:

Roshni Birmingham

Roshni Birmingham supports Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic communities (BAME) affected by domestic abuse including Forced Marriage & Honour Based Abuse. Set up in 1979, Roshni Birmingham is a leading provider supporting BAME communities through their journey to safety, confidence, and independence to live free from violence, abuse and fear.

  • 24 Hour Multilingual Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 953 9666
  • 24 Hour West Midlands BAME Forced Marriage & Honour Based Abuse Helpline: 0800 953 9777
  • Website:

Check out more of our Forced Marriages work as part of our Break The Silence campaign: