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Your Peers Need You! Become a Student Rep!

Are you ready to make a lasting impact on your university experience? Are you passionate about advocating for positive change and ensuring that the student voice is heard? If so, we become a Student Representative of your course!

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Become a Student Rep at Aston University!

Are you ready to make a lasting impact on your university experience? Are you passionate about advocating for positive change and ensuring that the student voice is heard? If so, we become a Student Representative of your course!

What is a Student Rep?

Student Representatives are the driving force behind change and improvement at Aston University. They serve as the vital link between students and the university, making sure that your concerns, ideas, and feedback are communicated effectively. As a Student Rep, you will have the unique opportunity to influence policies, advocate for improvements, and enhance the overall student experience.

Why should I get involved?

Becoming a Student Rep is not just a role; it's a journey of personal and professional growth. From enhancing your CV to developing your interpersonal skills - it's incredibly rewarding to be a Student Rep!

How can I sign up?

It's never been easier to become a Student Rep! Simply, fill out a quick form and you'll be sent an email welcoming you to the Student Rep community! Sign up now 




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