Creating a budget plan can help you to avoid financial difficulties which can have a negative impact on your wellbeing and cause stress.
You can do this by creating a spreadsheet or writing a list with your income and spending. Work out your income by adding up all of the sources of income you’ll receive over the year. Then do the same for your spending, making sure to include any tuition fees, rent, and to budget for food/drink, utilities, books, travel costs, etc. Ensure your income is more than or equal to your spending. Convert your annual income and spending into monthly or weekly amounts to help you manage and balance your budget.
We can help you create a budget plan and provide advice on your budget. MoneySavingExpert also has a helpful webpage on student budgeting and saving tips. Other websites like UCAS, Money Advice Service, and National Debtline offer budget sheets, calculators, and planners with guidance on costs you should remember to include.